MBA + Law

This four-year combined program capitalizes on the strength of the internationally acclaimed, intensive 12-month Master of Business Administration (MBA) offered by Smith School of Business and the rich program in business law offered by Queen’s Law. Queen’s J.D. and MBA degrees will be conferred at the completion of the Combined Program after all requirements for both degrees have been completed.

Commerce + Law

This six-year combined program capitalizes on the strength of the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree offered by Smith School of Business and the rich business law program offered by Queen’s Law. 

The BCom/JD degree reduces completion time and tuition by one year for undergraduate students admitted to the BCom degree program at Smith. Students entering the third-year of the Smith BCom program are eligible to apply through an internal application process at Queen’s. 



The Master of Management Analytics from Smith School of Business is the essential degree for the world of data. Realizing the promise of data analytics requires businesspeople who can find the opportunity in the numbers. Learn to master the essential strategies for applying analytics to business needs and harness the incredible power of data. Understand not only how to use data for business needs, but how to structure and manage complex projects and lead high-performance teams.

Advanced Leadership for Social Impact

The Advanced Leadership for Social Impact Fellowship prepares experienced leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to meaningfully tackle the root causes and drivers of social issues or problems. By focusing on developing leaders with the skills and perspectives to tackle complex issues, Queen’s University can help solve the world’s most significant and urgent challenges.

World Indigenous Studies in Education

The World Indigenous Studies in Education program is a progressive MEd program that allows you to pursue your research interests without leaving your community, family or job. The program is offered part-time blended (online and on-campus) for students with experience in Indigenous communities and/or World Indigenous issues. We welcome allyship and students with experience and/or demonstrated commitment to Indigenous truth, reconciliation and knowledge mobilization. The first summer of the program is on-campus at Queen's University and the remaining courses are online.

Executive Education

Queen's Executive Education offers customized development programs, digital learning, and open enrollment courses for a new generation of global leaders. Our unique style of professional development helps organizations, management and leadership to develop their potential, embrace change and improve the lives of us all.

Financial Innovation & Technology

Technology has undeniably changed how financial markets and institutions function. Every part of the financial value chain is being disrupted by nimble technology-based innovators and changing the skills required to be successful in modern finance. The Master of Financial Innovation & Technology is a 14-month program that addresses the need in the financial sector for leaders with a solid understanding of finance, as well as data science and machine learning. You'll benefit by learning from expert faculty using real world corporate data sets.