Geography and Planning

The Department of Geography and Planning is an integrated department that studies the earth's places, societies, environments and landscapes. The Department is unique in bridging the social sciences and humanities (i.e., human geography) and planning with physical geography. Geography and Planning puts this understanding of social and physical processes within the context of places and regions - recognizing the great differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes, and environments across the world, and the links between them.

Mathematics and Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers degree Plans designed to appeal to a broad range of students, including those interested in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, the physical and the biological sciences, teaching, actuarial studies (science), probability, and statistics. Our instructors include leading researchers and many winners of national and university teaching awards. The Department offers various plans in Mathematics and in Statistics, leading to either a BA, BA (Hons.), BSc or BSc (Hons.) degree.


In Psychology you will learn about basic processes of cognition and behavioural neuroscience, including the effects of brain damage or drug-induced changes on behaviour, how various neurochemicals affect behaviour, mechanisms of memory, motor control, and how we solve problems. You will also learn about child development, personality differences, how people act in groups or organizations, health-related behaviours, and various aspects of typical and atypical behaviour.


As one of the top chemistry teaching and research departments in Canada, we offer a stimulating learning environment for undergraduate and graduate students. Queen’s Chemistry programs have rich practical laboratory components, where you will put into practice key concepts learned from your lectures. In upper years, you can specialize in one or more of the fundamental branches of chemistry – analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical – or explore new applications such as environmental, materials, biological, computational, or polymer chemistry.


Queen's Biology students have the opportunity to explore the full breadth of biology: the inner workings of cells; the integrative biology of organisms; the interactions between organisms in ecological communities; and the central roles of genetics and evolution in shaping the diversity of life.

Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy

Through studying Physics at Queen’s, you will be trained in observation and experimentation, in applied mathematics and model building, and will develop the confidence to tackle new and intellectually demanding problems. This will place you at the leading edge of research and development in science and technology. This program deals with the properties of matter and energy, from everyday concepts such as force, heat and electricity, to the abstract ideas of relativity and quantum mechanics.

Environmental Studies

In the School of Environmental Studies, you will acquire an appreciation of the scope and complexity of environmental systems, the ability to deal with the socio-economic dimensions of an issue, and the fundamental knowledge to adapt to changes in the future. Students will study environmental systems from both the perspective of the natural and physical sciences, while recognizing the human and cultural dimensions of the issues.

Smith Engineering

Since 1894, the Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University has been providing the best engineering education Canada has to offer, preparing students for leadership in a global society with top-quality, technically rigorous engineering programs.

Smith Engineering boasts a diverse and vibrant community of approximately 4,600 high-calibre undergraduate students from Canada and abroad. Graduates leave Queen's with an outstanding, committed alumni network that will sustain them throughout their careers.