
There are three aspects to Linguistics: language form, language meaning, and language in context. Linguistics is a scientific study of a language that explores the structure of language and how it is acquired. Linguistics students explore how a language is structured, how it is used in the production and comprehension of messages, and how language changes over time. You will try to answer questions relating to the nature of language, such as what do all languages have in common, or how do children learn a language?


Knowledge of Italian is very important in today’s world. Italy is one of the top economies in the world, and many employers are seeking people who speak both Italian and English. Knowing Italian is greatly beneficial in several career fields. Italy is a world leader in the culinary arts, interior design, fashion, robotics, shipbuilding -- just to name a few! Italian can be tremendously beneficial, especially in music, art, and classical studies, and is complementary with many of the Major Plans offered at Queen's.

Indigenous Languages and Cultures

The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures in partnership with the Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre offers this certificate to current Queen’s students looking to gain a basic understanding of various Indigenous languages and cultures. Students will better understand these languages through instruction embedded in culturally rich and authentic practice, and be introduced to the many traditions, philosophies, and histories of Indigenous peoples.

French Studies

Studying French opens a wide range of opportunities, especially in Canada. The Department of French Studies offers undergraduate students interested in pursuing the subject in-depth the chance to study French as either a minor, a medial, or a major. We also offer courses for the complete beginner and Certificates of Competencies for students not registered in a French Plan. Courses offered focus on oral and written French as well as on literature and culture. For interested students, it is also possible to study French in either Quebec or France on exchange.

Spanish and Latin American Studies

If your focus lies in Latin America, the Spanish and Latin American Studies Minor would complement your Major plan. The SLAS Minor Plan provides students an interdisciplinary element which is not strictly limited to literature, film and culture. This Plan involves two years of language study in addition to option courses from within the Department and/or other academic units across campus. Option courses include advanced language, literature, culture, art, economics, film, gender studies, geography, global development, history, political studies and sociology.

Languages, Literatures and Cultures

The world can seem like a big place, but through the LLCU major, students will get a glimpse into how small and connected it really is and be able to engage with intercultural sensitivity and a palette of relevant skills. Through this program, students can learn a minimum of two languages from over 14 languages taught at Queen’s, understanding not only their linguistic structures but the cultures in which they are formed. Learning another language provides students with the ability to step inside the mind and context of that culture and to better understand their own.

World Language Studies

The planet is becoming ever smaller and globalization is affecting how people live and work. As such, knowledge of multiple languages is a tremendous asset, paving the way for an international career, providing valuable insight into cultural difference, and preparing students for a global future.