
The School of Computing offers many broad, flexible Plans, each providing you with a solid foundation in the science and principles of computing. Theory and application are balanced as you put your knowledge to work under the guidance of award-winning researchers.


Religion plays a major role in shaping and influencing various cultures and historical and political movements around the world. Thus, understanding religious traditions and their impact on diverse modern issues is vital preparation for building a career in the global marketplace. Studying religion involves examining the history of religious traditions, comparing the ideas and values of different religious systems, and understanding the place and function of religion in society.

Gender Studies

The Department of Gender Studies at Queen’s is distinguished by the centrality of the study of race and colonialisms across all its courses, and by a focus on how to apply knowledge within work for social change. Our curriculum is organized around six key themes: feminist, queer, trans, anti-racist, Indigenous, and postcolonial theories and methodologies; activism and social justice; political economy; representation, art, literature, and creative work; and oral histories and community memories.


The History Department offers a wide range of courses that span from the pre-modern past to the contemporary era. Geographically, History courses circle the globe and draw from the histories of Africa, Canada, the Caribbean, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, South Asia, and the United States. Thematically the curriculum builds on a number of disciplinary vantage points, including cultural, economic, environmental, gender, global and transnational, Indigenous, intellectual, labour, legal, political, and religious history.

Film and Media

In the Film and Media Department at Queen’s, you will examine modern forms of film, video, television, and emerging varieties of digital culture. You will study the forces that have shaped film and media communication, explore the history and theory of film production, and engage directly in the production of film and video.

Environmental Studies

In the School of Environmental Studies, you will acquire an appreciation of the scope and complexity of environmental systems, the ability to deal with the socio-economic dimensions of an issue, and the fundamental knowledge to adapt to changes in the future. Students will study environmental systems from both the perspective of the natural and physical sciences, while recognizing the human and cultural dimensions of the issues.

Employment Relations Studies

The study of employment relations has a long tradition at Queen’s, with several programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels providing a broad foundation in the field, including labour-management relations, labour and employment law, conflict management and negotiations, economics, human resources management, organizational behaviour, and labour policy.

Smith School of Business

Business happens beyond boardrooms, markets, and borders. Cultural shifts, geopolitical changes, technology innovations — it all impacts business. At Smith we anticipate the rapidly changing business landscape and prepare you for it.

Smith’s programs deliver the knowledge, skills and personal development you need to thrive in this ever-changing business world. General management or specialized, professional or research-based, degree or development, full-time or while working, we have a rich portfolio of options.

Smith Engineering

Since 1894, the Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University has been providing the best engineering education Canada has to offer, preparing students for leadership in a global society with top-quality, technically rigorous engineering programs.

Smith Engineering boasts a diverse and vibrant community of approximately 4,600 high-calibre undergraduate students from Canada and abroad. Graduates leave Queen's with an outstanding, committed alumni network that will sustain them throughout their careers.