The award-winning faculty at the School of Religion undertake academic research into the religions and cultures of the world and religious issues emerging in the Canadian landscape, and have research links to universities globally. Teaching and research range over some of the major religious traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, and focus on key geographic regions such as China, Europe, India, the Middle East, and North America.
In the past few years, faculty research and publications have included:
- Forough Jahanbakhsh: The Expansion of Prophetic Experience: Essays on Historicity, Contingency and Plurality in Religion (edited, 2009); Islam, Democracy and Religious Modernism in Iran 1953-2000: From Bazargan to Soroush (2001)
- Ellen Goldberg: Bollywood Horrors: Religion, Violence and Cinematic Fears in Indian Film (edited by Aditi Sen and Brian Collins, 2022); Gurus of Modern Yoga (edited with Mark Singleton, 2014); Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook (with Philip A. Harland and John S. Kloppenborg, 2012)
- James Miller: China's Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future (2017); Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China (edited with Dan Smyer Yu and Peter van der Veer, 2014)
- Pamela Dickey Young: Women and Religious Traditions (edited with Leona Anderson, 3rd edition, 2015); Religion and Sexuality: Diversity and the Limits of Tolerance (edited with Heather Shipley and Tracy Trothen, 2015); Religion, Sex and Politics: Christian Churches and Same-Sex Marriage in Canada (2012)
- Tracy Trothen: Winning the Race? Religion, Hope, and Reshaping the Sport Enhancement Debate (2015); Religion and Transhumanism: The Unknown Future of Human Enhancement (edited with Calvin Mercer, 2015); Shattering Illusions: Child Sexual Abuse Policies and Canadian Religious Institutions (2012)
- William Morrow: Protest Against God: The Eclipse of a Biblical Tradition (2006)
- Richard Ascough: Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook (with Philip A. Harland and John S. Kloppenborg, 2012); 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Encountering the Christ Group at Thessalonike (2014)
- Aditi Sen: Bollywood Horrors: Religion, Violence and Cinematic Fears in Indian Film (edited by Ellen Goldberg and Brian Collins, 2022)