Oh, I have any number of overly personal questions to ask you. I appreciate
your offer of a visit to the shrine at Lagina so that I can ask – how does
October or November sound? On accommodation – it’s a long drive
back to Mu˘gla Teknopark, or the coast for that matter – is there a family
that you know in Turgut that has sleeping space available? Let me know
when you can. I did want to tell you about my trip to Svalbard. Such a
glorious place, although perhaps a little harder to live there if the dark
and the cold are not tolerable sensations over the long haul. It’s amazing
how much power the night has when it is ongoing 24 hours a day.
Walk to the store at noon under the stars? It does feel as though you’ve
entered Hecate’s vestibule. At first, exciting, and then unnerving once
you start thinking about it.

Poem, in its entirety, is available in the printed version of the current issue.


Carol Shillibeer’s poems have appeared in many print and online publications, including Contemporary Verse 2, ditch, Drunk Monkeys, filling Station, FreeFall, the Malahat Review, Modern Poetry Quarterly Review, Posit, Ricepaper, Room, and the South Shore Review. She has received nominations for both Pushcart and Best of the Net prizes. She is currently working on The Calamitous House of Kindness, a collection of poems recounting conversations with five women from history.

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