I really was in the picture.
If you look closely you will see me
there, near the end of the third
row, between two girls, smiling
broadly. I was in love with both

of them. It was the end of the week,
a week-long camp held at the college
in a nearby city, in the summer …

Poem, in its entirety, is available in the printed version of the current issue.


William Virgil Davis’s most recent book of poetry is Dismantlements of Silence: Poems Selected and New (2015). He has published five other books of poetry: The Bones Poems; Landscape and Journey, which won the New Criterion Poetry Prize and the Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Poetry; Winter Light; The Dark Hours, which won the Calliope Press Chapbook Prize; and One Way to Reconstruct the Scene, which won the Yale Series of Younger Poets Prize.

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