Fall 2022 - A Satisfying Failure


Every Thanksgiving morning on the Gambier farm, while the women bustled about the warm kitchen in floured aprons over flowered print dresses, hips bumping at countertops, chairs and children underfoot, the uncles and male cousins mustered outside beneath the willow tree in between pickup trucks and tractors. Like giddy, primping teenage girls in hunting accoutrements, they sized up camouflage, reflective accessories, the tenacity of hounds, girth of ammunition, and length and potency of rifles …




David Sapp is a writer, artist, and professor who lives along the southern shore of Lake Erie. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he was awarded Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence grants for poetry and the visual arts. His poems have appeared widely in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. His publications include the chapbooks Close to Home and Two Buddha, the novel Flying Over Erie, and a book of poems and drawings entitled Drawing Nirvana.