From time to time I had her in the cab, usually with groceries; her fifty-year-old son – never married, no children, and living with her at the time – had been killed while driving cab, early on a Sunday morning in June, just past first light. This was in the year before I started to drive cab myself. And tucked into the back seat with her head down and arms folded she’d ask me if I’d known him, with an ache and sadness in her voice so profound it was as though she’d lost him only the day before, or as though losing him were the only thing that had ever happened to her in life …
David Malone was born and raised in Toronto but now lives in Kingston, Ontario, with his family. A graduate of Queen’s University (Master of Theological Studies, 2008), he has had work published in the Antigonish Review, the RavensPerch Journal, and in several anthologies issued by Hidden Brook Press. He worked as a taxi driver in Kingston for many years.