do you do minimalism as its own confession?
do you intentionally sing with the voice of a druid?
craft metaphor to hide and reveal lack?
can you tell me how you fell down the stairs?
tell me
provincial history,
modern mythologies and
a punk rock grin?
are you still sober as a sweetheart broken boy’s fear?
is this world still good enough?  …

Poem, in its entirety, is available in the printed version of the current issue.


Sean G. Meggeson lives in Toronto, where he works as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. He has written and lectured on such topics as Lacan and James Joyce, neurodiversity, and interspecies intersubjectivity. His poems have been published in various online and print journals. His chapbook Cosmic Crasher and Other Poems (Buttonhook Press) has just been published.

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