Winter 2024 - Earth to Tables


Earth to Tables grew out of personal relationships, chance encounters – organically, you might say. Is it best described as a collective, a network, or a family? Even its members are unsure what to call themselves. But a common purpose has allowed people to accommodate one another, like an extended family. Realistically, though, how can the ideals of a small group feed 8 billion people on Earth? In more ways than I thought …


Bryan Demchinsky is a Montreal writer and editor. After many years working at newspapers, mainly the Montreal Gazette, where he was the books section editor and later business editor, he left daily journalism. He continues to work from home and is the author of several books, including After Auschwitz: One Man’s Story (McGill-Queen’s University Press). He is co-author with Elaine Kalman Naves of Storied Streets: Montreal in the Literary Imagination (Macfarlane, Walter & Ross).

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