Summer 2024 - Dupont Street


But, oh, it was a crazy place. And if it wasn’t crazy itself it did its very best to make people crazy. I don’t remember the order in which the following things happened, but to hurry things along to some kind of conclusion, I present them here all in a jumble: In one bedroom somebody bashed a large hole right through the wall – I’m not sure if it went out into the hall or perhaps sideways into the bathroom, but when our one year was up this was a definite strike against us. Another was the series of hammer holes made in the wall along the entire length of the second-floor hall – made when somebody got upset because the neighbours on the other side of our shared wall wouldn’t keep it down – hammering holes being, of course, the best way to deal with this sort of trouble …



Joe Davies’ writing has appeared in the Missouri Review, eFiction India, the New Quarterly, PRISM international, the Rappahannock Review, Grain, the Dublin Review, and now and again in Queen’s Quarterly. He lives in Peterborough, Ontario.

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