Sneak Peak - Queen's Imagines the Future Online Gallery


Thursday March 27, 2025
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Event Category

The Faculty of Education Arts Infusion Committee is excited to launch a sneak peak of its online gallery to share art submissions for the Queen's Imagines the Future festival. Faculty, staff, and students in the community submitted artworks to capture their conceptions of the future in connection to our festival mission: to stretch ways of feeling, thinking, acting and being in relation to climate change and to imagine ways forward. The gallery will be released online on March 27 at

The online gallery will showcase a selection of artworks, which can be accessed through our website. Please also check out the the in-person gallery hosted at the Faculty of Education Library from April 16 to May 8th. Join us for our gallery celebration event on April 23 from 12:30 to 1:30. Tour the gallery, have snacks, and engage in climate conversations sparked by the art submissions. For more information contact

Hosted by: Faculty of Education, Arts Infusion Committee

Advancing SDGs 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and 13: Climate Action

Virtual, open to all, registration not required!

 To learn more, or to submit artwork, visit the Faculty of Education site