QUARG Journals Club 2023/24

2023-2024 Journals Club

The purpose of the Journals Club is to give graduate students experience at making presentations and fielding questions, to give the presenter a chance to delve into new and interesting material, and to give other students a chance to learn about and discuss these papers. Each presenter should aim for a 15 to 20 minute presentation with 5 minutes for questions/discussion. The idea is not to present your own research, but to find interesting results from current journals (ideally within the last year, but there is some flexibility here). Check with your supervisor for more guidance, if needed.  Also, ask your supervisor to provide feedback on your presentation, as this will  help you to improve in the future.

All Journals Club talks are held on Tuesdays at 12:30pm in Stirling Hall 501 unless otherwise noted.

Date Presenters
Sept 5  
Sept 12 Meet/Greet, Akanksha Bij --Free pizza and drinks today!
Closing the Gap between Observed Low-Mass Galaxy HI Kinematics and CDM Predictions
Amy Sardone, Annika H. G., Alyson M. Brooks, Jane Kaczmarek
Sept 19

Felix Thiel/The Simons Observatory: A fully remote controlled calibration system with a sparse wire grid for cosmic microwave background telescopes"  by Murata et al.

Parisa Nozari/Isolating Dust and Free-Free Emission in ONC Proplyds with ALMA Band 3 Observations

Sept 26

Haochuan (Kevin) Li/ Gaia DR3 features of the phase spiral and its possible relation to internal perturbations,


Yilda Boukhtouchen/ Dark Matter (H)eats Young Planets


Oct 3

Shamus Tobin/Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). VI. Kinematic Structures around the Very-low-mass Protostar IRAS 16253-2429 (iop.org)

Leo Kim/ Gravitational Wave Signatures from Reheating: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.09712

Oct 17

James Barron/ A rotating white dwarf shows different compositions on its opposite faces; Caiazzo, Ilaria et al. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023Natur.620...61C/abstract

Audrey Fung/ Birth of the first stars amidst decaying and annihilating dark matter; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.12992.pdf

Oct 24

Neal Avis Kozar/ Axion Star Explosions: A New Source for Axion Indirect Detection

Ayan Biswas/ Coherent Radio bursts from known M-dwarf planet-host YZ Ceti

Oct 31

Zahra Basti/ Determining the Dark Matter distribution in simulated galaxies with Deep Learning Postponed

Mayukh Bagchi/ COSMIC: An Ethernet-based Commensal, Multimode Digital Backend on the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Nov 7

Khadeejah Motiwala/ Is a recently discovered HI cloud near M94 a starless dark matter halo?

Narayani Tyagi/ Classifying a frequently repeating fast radio burst, FRB20201124A, with unsupervised machine learning

Nov 14

Mathieu Perron-Cormier/ How galaxy properties vary with filament proximity in the SIMBA simulations

Stephanie Beram/ Can cuspy dark matter dominated halos hold cored stellar mass distributions?

Nov 21

Lawrence Faria/ The Subtle Effects of Mergers on Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies

Jeremy Favaro/ NIHAO VI. The Hidden Discs of Simulated Galaxies

Nov 28 Patrick Hatch/TBA Postponed

JOURNALS CLUB will be held on Thursdays, at 12:30  p.m. in Room 501

Date Presenters

Jan 11

Patrick Hatch/ The Problem with Extreme Blazars (and a Hadronic Solution)

Tai Withers/ Massive Star-Formation in the Hub-Filament System of RCW117

Jan 18

Andrew Buchanan/ Strong constraints on the gravitational law from Gaia DR3 wide binaries

Nathan Skeggs/ Exploring the Magnetic Field Geometry in NGC 891 with SOFIA/HAWC+

Jan 25


Han Wu/ Dark Matter Scattering Constraints from Observations of Stars Surrounding Sgr A*

Feb 1

Maggie Oxford/ TESS Asteroseismic Analysis of HD 76920: The Giant Star Hosting an Extremely Eccentric Exoplanet Postponed

Brian Owens/ Search for dark matter annihilation signals in the H.E.S.S. Inner Galaxy SurveyPostponed

Feb 8

Tim Hapitas/ A Gentle Introduction to Gaussian Process Regression - Using GPR to Determine a Model Independent Estimate of the Hubble Constant

Remi Richard/ Rethinking Thorne-Zytkow Object Formation: Assembly via Common Envelope in Field Binaries

Feb 15

Nikhil Arora/Lyra III: The Smallest Reionization Survivors

Melissa Diamond/ Close Encounters of the Primordial Kind

Feb 20-23 Winter Term READING WEEK
Feb 28 Wednesday

Katarina Bleau/ Super-slow phase transition catalyzed by BHs and the birth of baby BHs

Nathan Deg/ Uncovering the formation of the counter-rotating stellar disks in SDSS J074834.64+444117.8

Feb 29 Ben Lehmann (MIT)/ (Astro Seminar)
Mar 7

 Zahra Basti/ The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. V: Satellite Galaxy Populations In A Cosmological Zoom-in Simulation of A Milky Way-mass Halo

Zoe Brisson-Tsavoussis/ Sub-GeV Gamma Rays from Nearby Seyfert Galaxies and Implications for Coronal Neutrino Emission

Mar 14

Avani Bhardwaj/Performance and first measurements of the MAGIC Stellar Intensity Interferometer

Brandon Shane/ Characterizing the 3D Structure of Molecular Cloud Envelopes in the “Cloud Factory” Simulations

Mar 20



Qinrui Lui/ Search for neutrino emission from the Cygnus Bubble based on LHAASO γ-ray observations

Chris Cappiello/ Indirect Searches for Dark Photon-Photon Tridents in Celestial Objects

Mar 21 Daryll Haggard (McGill)/ (Astro Seminar)

Mar 27


Maggie Oxford/ TESS Asteroseismic Analysis of HD 76920: The Giant Star Hosting an Extremely Eccentric Exoplanet

Bryan Owens Search for dark matter annihilation signals in the H.E.S.S. Inner Galaxy Survey

Mar 28

Will Thompson (Harvard)/ The future TAMBO high energy neutrino

telescope (Astro seminar)

Apr 4 Sarah Sadavoy -- awesome Eclipse organization
Apr 11 Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Bochum Germany (Astro Seminar) /
Cosmic ray driven galactic winds.