The CAP (Canadian Association of Physicists) Congress is an event whose goal is to showcase and celebrate the achievements of physicists in Canada and abroad.
This year, the 1 week event hosted by Queen’s University (Kingston, ON, Canada) gathered 650 participants and featured Nobel Prize winner Arthur B. McDonald (Queen’s University).
NEWS-G took the opportunity of this event to report the first results from the search of low-mass WIMPs with SEDINE, a SPC prototype operated at the LSM (Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane). Five NEWS-G members from Queen’s University gave talks covering a wide range of topics such as recent sensor developments, calibration strategies and status of the next phase of the experiment at SNOLAB.
- Status of NEWS-G experiment
– Gilles Gerbier
- Quenching measurements for a spherical detector at COMIMAC
– Philippe Di Stefano
- Firsts results on the search for low-mass WIMPs with the NEWS-G experiment
– Quentin Arnaud
- Sensor optimization and gas quality analysis for spherical gas detector operation
– Alexis Brossard
- Calibration schemes for Spherical Gas Detectors
– Daniel Durnford
Congratulations to Daniel Durnford (Queen’s University) who was among the Division Oral Finalists and got the 2nd place in the Particle Physics Division (PPD) for his talk on calibration strategies for the NEWS-G experiment @ SNOLAB.
Next year, the CAP Congress will take place in Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (June 11-15, 2018).