Marie-Cécile Piro, Assistant Professor

Marie-Cécile Piro, Assistant Professor

Marie-Cécile Piro, Assistant Professor

I recently joined the NEWS-G collaboration to work on the purification of the various gases and on data analysis for this dark matter search. In my career, I have had the opportunity to work with several high-profile teams, using various detection techniques, such as: bubble chambers at SNOLAB in Canada, high purity germanium crystals at very low temperatures (mK) at LSM in France, and a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber (TPC) at LNGS in Italy. This has given me broad physical and technical expertise in low background particle physics experiments. I am intrigued by exploring physics beyond the standard model. I hope to achieve this by developing new detection technologies, and pushing the limits of current technologies by improving detector performance, such as energy resolution and find novel techniques for reducing the background of the detectors. My goal is to find a way to by-pass the irreducible neutrino floor background, which all dark matter experiment will face in the near future.


Stefanie Langrock, Post-Doctoral Fellow

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at SNOLAB working under the supervision of Pierre Gorel. My work for NEWS-G will be focusing on the design of a Ar-37 calibration source to meet the requirements for radioactive sources at SNOLAB. Additionally to the source development, I will work on understanding the background contributions present at the SNOLAB underground facility with the aid of GEANT4 simulations.

Stefanie Langrock, Post-Doctoral Fellow

Stefanie Langrock, Post-Doctoral Fellow


Alex Rolland, Visiting Research Student

Alex Rolland, Visiting Research Student

Alex Rolland, Visiting Research Student

I am currently a student at École Centrale Paris, doing a one year internship as a visiting research student for NEWS-G, under the supervision of Gilles Gerbier at Queen’s University. My main role will be to help with the R&D work and experiments at the Queen’s lab. I will also participate in data analysis preparation before the installation at SNOLAB and outreach projects related to dark matter research.


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