Workshop on Trans Philosophy: What is it? What do we want it to be?
Monday September 18, 20239:30 am - 6:00 pm
Queen's UniversityOn behalf of both the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (CSWIP) and the Trans Philosophy Colloquium Series, you are invited to a one-day workshop at Queen’s University on Monday, September 18th. The topic of the workshop is Trans Philosophy: What is it? What do we want it to be? (Poster attached).
This event brings together discussions of trans/feminism, trans experiences, and philosophical methodology. The workshop will consist of a roundtable discussion on the possible future(s) of trans philosophy as well as keynote talks from both Perry Zurn (Cornell) and Stephanie Kapusta (Dalhousie). The day will start with coffee and socializing and conclude with a reception and dinner. Lunch will be provided.
In light of both the tragic anti-feminist attack at the University of Waterloo over the summer and an increase in the introduction of anti-trans laws and policies across the globe, it is important to remain vigilant in our support of trans/feminist projects and the well being of those involved.
You can register to attend either online or in-person at Queen’s University by clicking the following link:
Details of the room and reception locations will be released to registered individuals closer to the date of the event. Questions can be directed to Sofie Vlaad at
Workshop on Trans Philosophy: What is it? What do we want it to be? | Poster