Andrew Lister
Associate Professor (Political Studies)
Political Studies, Philosophy
Arts and Science
- BA, McGill
- MA, McGill
Specializations / Research Interests
Distributive justice; reciprocity and egalitarianism; classical liberalism and libertarianism; public reason, ‘political’ liberalism, toleration and compromise.
Andrew Lister would be interested in supervising graduate students in the areas of distributive justice, democratic theory, public reason and political liberalism.
Personal Website Personal Webpage, Political Studies
Before coming to Queen's, Andrew Lister taught at Concordia University and spent a year as FRQSC post-doctoral fellow at the University of Montreal's Centre de recherche en éthique. He has been been a visitor at Oxford University's Center for the Study of Social Justice, and at the UCLouvain's Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale. He specializes in contemporary normative political theory, particularly related to democracy and distributive justice. His research has focused on two main themes: public reason, or neutrality in political decision-making, and reciprocity, in relation to egalitarianism. He also has an ongoing interest in the work of John Rawls, and its relationships with other the work of others (for example, David Hume, Friedrich Hayek, and Frank Knight).
Selected Recent Publication
- "Contractualist alternatives to the veil of ignorance," Journal of Political Philosophy, 00, 1– 21, 2023.
- “Theology, Desert, and Egalitarianism,” The Journal of Politics, Vol. 84, No.3, 2022, pp. 1528-1538.
- “Reconsidering the Reciprocity Objection to Unconditional Basic Income,” Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 2020.
- “Publicity, Reciprocity, and Incentives,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 67-82, 2020.
- "Wages, Talents, and Egalitarianism," Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Volume 11, Issue 2, Autumn 2018.
- "The Difference Principle, Capitalism, and Property-Owning Democracy," Moral Philosophy and Politics.Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018, pp.151-72.
- “The Coherence of Public Reason,” The Journal of Moral Philosophy. Vol. 15, No.1, 2018, pp.64-84.
- “Public Reason and Reciprocity,” Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2017, pp. 155-172.
- "Markets, Desert, and Reciprocity," Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2017, pp. 47-69.
- “Fact-Sensitivity and the Defining-Down Objection,” Res Publica, Vol. 23, 2017, pp.117-35.
- “Public Reason, Liberal Neutrality, and Marriage,” Beyond Same-Sex Marriage, ed. Ronald den Otter (Lexington Books, 2016), pp. 103-128.
- “Neutrality as a Basis for Minority Cultural Rights,” Les Ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum, (symposium on Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition), Vol. 10, Number 2, 2015, p. 147-56.
- "Social Contract," "Markets," "Congruence," "Lexical Priority / Priority of Liberty," "Reasonable Pluralism", in The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon (David Reidy and Jon Mandle, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2015).
- "Public Reason and Perfectionism: Comments on Quong's Liberalism Without Perfection," Filozofija i drustvo / Philosophy and Society, Vol. 25, No.1, pp. 12-34, 2014.
- Public Reason and Political Community, Bloomsbury (2013)
- “The Mirage of Social Justice: Hayek Against (and For) Rawls” Critical Review, Vol. 25, No. 3-4, pp. 409-444, Fall 2013.
- “Reciprocity, Relationships, and Distributive Justice” Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2013, pp. 70-94.
- “The Classical Tilt of Justificatory Liberalism” European Journal of Political Theory, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2013, pp. 316-326.
- “Public Justification of What? Coercion vs. Decision as Competing Frames for the Basic Principle of Justificatory Liberalism" Public Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 25, No.4, 2011, pp. 349-67.
- “Justice as Fairness and Reciprocity” Analyze & Kritik, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2011, pp.93-112.
- “Liberal Foundations of Democratic Authority” Representation, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2010, pp.19-34.
- “Public Justification and the Limits of State Action” Politics, Philosophy, Economics, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2010, pp. 151-176.