Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Philosophy Joint Honours Plan

PHIL[----]-A or [----]PHIL-A (where [----] is a second subject of study) Plan

Consists of 42.0 units as described below.


The Plan, in combination with a joint honours in another subject, and with sufficient electives to total 120.0 units (114.0 units for students admitted prior to September 2017), will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

1. Core (21.0 units)
  • A. 6.0 units from PHIL at the 100 level or above
  • B. 6.0 units in PHIL 250/6.0 or PHIL 251/3.0 & PHIL 252/3.0
  • C. 6.0 units in PHIL 257/6.0 or PHIL 242/3.0 & PHIL 243/3.0
2. Option (21.0 units)
  • A. 6.0 units from PHIL at the 400 or 500 level
  • B. 6.0 units from PHIL at the 300 level or above; INTS 306/3.0; SOCY 363/3.0; IDIS 306/3.0
  • C. 9.0 units from PHIL at the 200 level or above; INTS 306/3.0; PPEC 200/3.0; SOCY 363/3.0; IDIS 306/3.0
  • A. A student may register in a 500-level Directed Special Studies course, with permission of the Undergraduate Chair, to fulfill requirement 2.A.
  • B. 3.00 credits at the 100-level can be substituted toward fulfilling Option 2.C., conditional on the student having taken 9.00 units of Philosophy at the 100-level before obtaining second year standing.
  • C. A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, HSCI, LAW, NURS, and courses offered by Smith Engineering.