National Park (15 Lakes):
Back Lake,
Beaverskin Lake, Big Dam Lake
(2 cores),
Channel Lake, Cobrielle Lake, Frozen Ocean Lake, Grafton Lake,
Kejimkujik Lake, Loon Lake, Mountain Lake, Pebbleloggitch
Lake, Peskawa Lake, Peskowesk Lake, Upper Silver
Yarmouth (12 Lakes):
Allen Lake, Bird Lake,
Brenton Lake, Cedar Lake, Churchill Lake, Darlings Lake,
Jesse Lake, Killams Lake
(a.k.a. Tally Pond), Lake George,
Lower Corning Lake, Tedford Lake,
Trefry Lake
Bridgewater - New Germany (7 Lakes):
Annis Lake, Hirtle Lake, Huey Lake, Little Tupper Lake,
Little Wiles
Lake, Matthew Lake, Rocky Lake
Eastern Shore at Ecum Secum (1 Lake):
Halfway Brook Lake (a.k.a. Beaver Harbour Big Lake)
Cape Breton Highlands National Park (16 Lakes):
Branch Lake, Cradle Lake, Deer Lake, Dundas Lake #3, Dundas Lake #4,
Glasgow Lake, Gull Pond, Indian Lake,
John Dee Lake, Lake of Islands,
Pond, Mica Hill Lake,
Round Lake, Two Island Pond, Warren Lake,
White Hill Lake
New Brunswick - CWS / LRTAP (Acidification) Study Lakes
(16 Lakes), 2003
National Park (1 Lake):
Wolfe Lake
Lepreau - St. George Area (13 Lakes):
Cranberry Lake, Cundy Lake,
Lake Digdeguash, McDougall Lake, Mill Lake, Otter Lake, Red Rock Lake, South
Oromocto Lake, Sparks Lake, Trout Lake, Lake Utopia, Victoria Lake, West
Long Lake
Cambridge - McAdam (2 Lakes):
Skiff Lake, Spendic Lake
Nova Scotia Brook Trout Lakes
(37 Lakes), 2003-2004
Lake, Kearney Lake, Morris Lake, Papermill Lake, Pockwock Lake, Russell
Cape Breton Highlands Eutrophication Lakes
(2 Lakes), 2005
French Lake, Freshwater Lake
Whitefish Lakes (4 Lakes), 2005
Minamkeak Lake, Milipsigate Lake, Hebb Lake, Fancy Lake
Halifax Region Water Quality Project (49 Lakes), 2005 - 2006
Big Abro Lake, Little Abro Lake, Anderson Lake, Lake Banook, Bayers Lake, Bell Lake, Bissett Lake, First Chain Lake, Second Chain Lake, Charles Lake, Chocolate Lake, Colbart Lake, Cranberry Lake, First Lake, Lake Fletcher, Fraser Lake, Frenchman Lake, Frog Pond, Grand Lake, Kinsac Lake, Lamont Lake, Long Lake, Loon Lake, Lake Major, Maynard Lake, McCabe Lake, Lake Micmac, Miller Lake, Oathill Lake, Parr Lake, Penhorn Lake, Powder Mill Lake, Power Pond, Rocky Lake, Sandy Lake, Second Lake, Settle Lake, Sheldrake Lake, Soldier Lake, Spider Lake, Spruce Hill Lake, Susie Lake, Third Lake, Lake Thomas, Topsail Lake, Webber Lake, Whimsical Lake, Lake William, Williams Lake
Kings County Eutrophication Lakes (12 Lakes), 2005 - 2006
Aylesford Lake, Black River Lake, Caribou Lake, Gaspereau Lake, Lake George, Hardwood Lake, Little River Lake, Loon Lake, Lumsden Pond, Murphy Lake, Silver Lake, Tupper Lake
Special Projects Study Lakes (3 Lakes), 2005 - 2006
Blair Lake (Cumberland Co.), Gaspereaux Lake (Antigonish Co.), plus additional lakes to be determined.