Small to Medium-sized Enterprises

Queen’s Professor Stephen Archer's technology has multiple treatment applications

Nov 08, 2022

Professor Stephen Archer and his colleagues, Dr. Danchen Wu and Dr. Michael Wells, have developed an enzyme inhibitor and early research suggests that it may be very effective in fighting cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, pulmonary hypertension.

Using Queen's-developed technology, the future looks bright for QSBRI

Nov 07, 2022

QSBRI's journey demonstrates the long-lasting, social, economic, and international impact of Queen’s research and collaborations with industry.

Queen’s Professor Yan-Fei Liu ready to bring DigiQ startup to the market

Nov 01, 2022

new technology developed by Professor Yan-Fei Liu’s research lab at Queen’s University provides a solution to quick charging methods

AIMday™ connects researchers and industry in day of engaging discussions

Oct 28, 2022

AIMday™ brings together researchers and industry in a day of discussions, brainstorming and exploring potential paths toward solutions

Queen’s University Joins Ontario Mobility Ecosystem

Oct 26, 2022

Queen’s University Joins Ontario Mobility Ecosystem, a Strategic Partnership Formed with EnerTech Capital, Alectra, Linamar, and Western University to Help Build an Ecosystem for Mobility Technologies in Ontario

Jeosal Materials Research may have the solution to Canada’s old boat problem

Oct 19, 2022

Osayuki Osazuwa, a Queen’s PhD graduate and former post-doc in the Department of Chemical Engineering may have a solution of recycling of glass fiber-reinforced plastic.

Dynamiris bringing eye-tracking technology to market for quicker patient diagnoses and results

Sep 30, 2022

The year 2022 is shaping up as one to remember for the three young entrepreneurs behind Kingston’s Spectra Plasmonics.

For Spectra Plasmonics, 2022 is definitely turning out to be a good year

Sep 21, 2022

The year 2022 is shaping up as one to remember for the three young entrepreneurs behind Kingston’s Spectra Plasmonics.

Queen's-developed technology in Q'Straint system saving lives around the world

Sep 15, 2022

The Q'Straint journey is a testament to how collaborative efforts with academia can bring about big changes in an industry

WE-CAN client YGK Takeaway felt accepted and connected to community, leading to success

Sep 02, 2022

Teagan McLaren is the owner and founder of YGK Takeaway, a Kingston-based delivery service that supports local restaurant and retailers by providing a friendly and affordable delivery system.

Kwe-Biz – Supporting Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs

Aug 10, 2022

Kwe-Biz is an Ontario-based program that was designed by Okwaho Equal Source in partnership with the WE-CAN Program at Queen’s University

Queen’s University to host AIMday™ event focused on mobility challenges and opportunities

Jul 26, 2022

Queen’s is partnering with Toronto Metropolitan University, University of Ottawa, and Hub350 to engage researchers with external organizations interested in exploring collaborations to address challenges and pursue opportunities. The event will be held on October 4, 2022.