Fall Orientation Schedule Hub

You can find your schedule based on your faculty or program below. 

You will see a few options for each schedule:

  • University Orientation & Faculty Orientation - This schedule will include University Orientation and the faculty events if you have registered and paid for your faculty orientation 
  • University Orientation & Free Faculty events - This includes free University Orientation events and academic welcome events for your faculty; these are free regardless of registration status. 

An overview of all Fall Orientation activities: Fall Orientation

Living In residence? 

Please consult the meal schedule below to find out your floor's assigned location and time for Dinner on Sept 2 and Breakfast on Sept 3.

Residence Building Assigned Meals


Event Schedules

Select your faculty to see the schedules for Orientation 2023!

All University Orientation Events: 
University Orientation Schedule 

Fine out more about University Orientation Events

These events are free and open to all incoming students. For more information, please get in touch with the Student Experience office at fall.orientation@queensu.ca 

I have registered for ASUS Orientation:
University Orientation & ASUS Schedule 

Free Academic Welcome Events for Arts and Science Students:
Free Events & University Orientation

For questions about ASUS Orientation, please contact the ASUS Head Gael: headgael@asus.queensu.ca

Registered for Smith Commerce Orientation:
University Orientation & Smith Commerce 

Free Academic Welcome Events for Commerce Students:
University Orientation & Free Commerce Events

For questions about Smith Commerce, please contact the Commerce Orientation Chair: orientation@comsoc.queensu.ca

Registered for Computing Orientation:
University Orientation & Computing

Free Academic Welcome Events for Computing Students:
University Orientation & Free Computing Events

For questions about Computing Orientation, please contact the High Tech orientation@compsa.queensu.ca

Registered for Concurrent Education Orientation:
University Orientation & ConEd Schedule 

Free Academic Welcome Events for ConEd Students:
University Orientation & Free ConEd Events

For questions about ConEd Orientation, please contact the Head Teach: headteach@cesa.queensu.ca

Registered for Engineering Orientation:
University Orientation & Engineering

Free Academic Welcome Events for Engineering Students:
University Orientation & Free Engineering Events

For questions about Engineering Orientation, please contact the Orientation Chair, oc@engsoc.queensu.ca

Registered for Health Sciences Orientation:
University Orientation & Health Sciences

Free Academic Welcome Events for Health Sciences Students: 
University Orientation & Free Health Sciences Events

For questions about Health Sciences Orientation, please contact the Head Coat, bhscorientation@queensu.ca 

Registered for Kin Orientation with Camp:
University Orientation & Kinesiology
Registered for Kin Orientation with Day Camp:
University Orientation & Kinesiology
Registered for Kin Orientation without Camp:
University Orientation & Kinesiology Schedule

For questions about Kinesiology Orientation, please contact the Head Coach: phekin_headcoach@ams.queensu.ca


Registered for NEWTS Orientation:
University Orientation & NEWTS Schedule 

Free Academic Welcome Events for NEWTS Students:
University Orientation & Free NEWTS Events

For questions about NEWTS Orientation, please contact the Head Gecko: newts@ams.queensu.ca

Registered for Nursing Orientation:
University Orientation & Nursing Schedule 

Free Academic Welcome Events for Nursing Students:
University Orientation & Free Nursing Events

For questions about Nursing Orientation, please contact the Head Cape: nursingorientation@ams.queensu.ca

Registered for AST Nursing Orientation:
University Orientation & AST Nursing (TBD)