Non-Academic Misconduct

What is Non-Academic Misconduct?

As a Queen's student, you are expected to adhere to and promote the University's core values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and personal responsibility in all aspects of University life.  These core values are intended to inform and guide student behaviour with the goal of fostering mutual respect for the dignity, rights, and well-being of others and their property.

Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) refers to the behaviours that contradict these core values and that violate the behavioural expectations outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and supporting policies.

Learn more about:

Specific activities and behaviours considered to be Non-Academic Misconduct


How can you report Non-Academic Misconduct?

Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) can be reported to multiple offices at Queen’s.  Where to report often depends on the nature of the incident. 

Learn more about:

Reporting Non-Academic Misconduct

How is Non-Academic Misconduct handled on campus?

The Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) Units on campus respond to reports of misconduct that fall within their areas of responsibility.

Who decides what counts at Non-Academic Misconduct?

The Non-Academic Misconduct Intake Office (NAMIO) receives reports of student non-academic misconduct and refers these cases to the appropriate NAM Unit.

The Student Code of Conduct divides non-academic misconduct into two categories. Category 2 incidents are generally more serious than Category 1 incidents. The NAMIO uses various factors to determine the category of the incident and the appropriate NAM Unit for referral:

  • What was the nature of the incident?
  • How serious were the impacts of the incident?
  • Has this happened before with the same student?
  • How complex is the situation?

Which offices investigate Non-Academic Misconduct cases?

For reports deemed Category 1, the NAMIO will assign the case to one of the following NAM Units:

  • AMS Judicial Affairs Office – if the responding party is an Undergraduate student
  • Athletics & Recreation Conduct Office – if the responding party is a student-athlete, or the incident occurred in a sport-related context
  • Residence Conduct Office – if the responding party lives in Residence
  • Student Conduct Office – if the responding party is a Graduate student

For reports deemed Category 2, the NAMIO will assign the case to the Student Conduct Office.

Some case are complex and involve students that belong to multiple communities on campus (i.e. student-athlete, resident, graduate student). The NAM Unit that first contacts you is the one assigned to manage the case and that is who you should follow up with if you have questions.

How long does the Non-Academic Misconduct Process take? 

While the NAM Units strive to resolve matters efficiently, the length of the Non-Academic Misconduct process depends on the complexity of the case and the people involved. Some may be resolved in 2-3 weeks and some may take a full academic term or longer.

Learn more about:

Policies and procedures for each NAM Unit

The intent of this site is to support the understanding of Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) policies at Queen’s University, including the Student Code of Conduct and the accompanying Procedures Under the Code. Please consult the comprehensive policy and procedure documents for complete details. If there are discrepancies between this website and the policies, the provisions of the relevant Non-Academic Misconduct (NAM) policy shall govern.