Yvonne Lawley

Yvonne Lawley headshot

Title: Associate Professor

Affiliation: University of Manitoba - Department of Plant Science

Email: yvonne.lawley@umanitoba.ca

Phone: 204-474-6504

Dr. Yvonne Lawley is an associate professor in the Plant Science Department at the University of Manitoba. Her area of research is agronomy and cropping systems. Dr. Lawley’s research has focused on several crops including soybeans, corn, and wheat and a range of management practices from residue management, strip tillage, to cover crops. Her research involves both small plot and on-farm field scale agronomy research.  Dr. Lawley enjoys communicating the results of her research to a wide range of audiences including farmers, agronomists, scientist, and especially in the classrooms where she teaches at the University of Manitoba.