Marina Cvetkovska

Marina Cvetkovska headshot

Title: Assistant Professor

Affiliation: University of Ottawa - Department of Biology


Phone: 613-562-5800

See more of Dr. Cvetkovska's research

Dr. Marina Cvetkovska is an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa.  She obtained her PhD at the University of Toronto specializing in plant responses to stress, followed by a Postdoctoral position at Western University centered on algal adaptation to extreme environments. Her research program focuses on elucidating the responses of photosynthetic organisms to environmental stress and developing strategies to improve growth and productivity under unfavourable conditions. The Cvetkovska lab combines methods in physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and computational biology to investigate stress resilience. Her group uses extremophilic algae from the Arctic and Antarctic as models for adaptation to some of the harshest environments on our planet. Her group then applies insights gained from extremophiles towards improving stress tolerance in a variety of model (Chlamydomonas, Arabidopsis thaliana) and economically important species (cannabis, tomato, cucumber). More recently, her group has begun to elucidate the mechanisms behind the interactions of photosynthetic organisms with microbes, and how these interactions shape the capacity for stress resilience.