Tentative agreements reached in collective bargaining by the university and the Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) are now official following the successful conclusion of QUFA’s ratification vote on Friday, February 15, 2019. Over 96 per cent of votes cast supported the collective agreement and the proposed conversion of the pension plan. The human resources committee of the Queen’s Board of Trustees has also ratified the agreements.

The renewed collective agreement will succeed the current agreement effective May 1, 2019. The renewed agreement has a three-year term, and prescribes across-the board, annual salary increases of 1.6 per cent, 1.6 per cent, and 1.9 per cent.

An important consequence of successful ratification is that QUFA will consent, on behalf of its eligible members, to the conversion of the Queen’s Pension Plan (QPP) to the proposed jointly sponsored University Pension Plan (UPP). The terms of the pension consent agreement form part of the parties’ collective agreement.

Negotiations between the University and QUFA – which represents approximately 1,350 university faculty, librarians and archivists – began in November 2018 and concluded in December 2018.

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