Queen’s is adjusting the salaries of approximately 200 current faculty members this month, and will pay retroactive amounts within the next two pay periods. Affected faculty members will each receive a letter in August.

The adjustments are in accordance with longstanding provisions in the Queen’s-QUFA Collective Agreement for faculty members whose salaries have been determined to be anomalous.  Adjustments are for the review years 2008, 2009 and 2010 for faculty in eligible discipline groups.

The adjustments were recommended by the Anomalies Side-Table (“AST”), a subcommittee of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement, the labour-management committee that reviews matters arising from the administration, interpretation and operation of the Queen’s-QUFA Collective Agreement.  The mandate of the AST, the basis for its recommendations and applicable methodology are set out in the Collective Agreement.

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