Queen’s University, and the Public Service Alliance of Canada and its Local 901 (Unit 2) (“PSAC”) representing graduate students employed by the University as Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Teaching Fellows (TFs), have successfully ratified a tentative agreement to renew their collective agreement.

The renewed collective agreement has a four-year term and will be in effect until April 30, 2021. Highlights include:

  • A new article has been added providing bargaining unit employees with payment of 3% of wage/stipends in lieu of benefits. A provision that required an annual benefits contribution by the employer to PSAC of $120,000 has been deleted. The revised rates that follow below are inclusive of the new 3% in lieu of benefits provision, and the existing 4% in lieu of vacation
  • An initial wage/stipend rate increase of 1% effective May 1, 2017, resulting in a Teaching Assistant per hour rate of $40.86, and Teaching Fellow stipend (per regular half course) of $8,110. Wage/stipend rate increases effective May 1, 2017 will result in a retroactive payment for bargaining unit employees employed on or after September 30, 2017
  • Wage/stipend rate increases of 1.25%, effective May 1, 2018, resulting in a Teaching Assistant per hour rate of $41.37, and Teaching Fellow stipend of $8,211
  • Wage/stipend rate increase of 1.5% effective May 1, 2019, resulting in a Teaching Assistant rate of $41.99 and Teaching Fellow stipend of $8,335
  • Wage and stipend rate increase of 1.75% effective May 1, 2020, resulting in a Teaching Assistant per hour rate of $42.73, and Teaching Fellow stipend of $8,480

Negotiations began in June 2017 and concluded in mid-December 2017 with the assistance of a Ministry of Labour-appointed conciliator.

The University values the contributions of its many employees and remains committed to the collective bargaining process.

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