Queen’s University and Public Service Alliance of Canada, Local 901, met in conciliation on Wednesday, Oct. 5 in their continuing effort to negotiate a renewal of their collective agreement covering approximately 170 post-doctoral fellows.

The university tabled a salary proposal that would ensure post-doctoral fellows at Queen’s continue to be among the best compensated post-doctoral fellows under Canadian collective agreements, and would establish a childcare benefit proposal that is comparable to that enjoyed by other employee groups at Queen’s. The university also tabled a proposal that would establish a professional development fund for post-doctoral fellows.

In addition, the university has proposed an arrangement that will provide post-doctoral fellows and their family members with direct access to a family physician in Kingston.

The university values the contributions of its many employees and remains committed to a fair and respectful collective bargaining process. The university is focused on reaching negotiated agreements with all employee groups that both balance the university’s need to preserve its core academic mission and respect the limitations dictated by current financial realities.

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