For the second year in a row, DDQIC hosted John Polyani Collegiate Institute from May 29th to 31st during their visit to Queens. The visit aimed to encourage diverse youth from Toronto to set their sights on post-secondary, consider the benefits of an entrepreneurial education, and mitigate financial barriers associated with on-campus visits. The students attended an introduction to university life talk by Black Youth in STEM, went on a guided campus tour, and participated in workshops on design thinking, and the innovator’s mindset. Additionally, the students attended a hands-on circuit workshop in the maker space. They dropped into a variety of student services to learn about the on-campus support available to them as Queen’s students. The feedback from the visit was overwhelmingly positive: with 93% of students very satisfied with their experience (60 percent rated the experience as excellent, and 33 percent rated it as very good). An encouraging 78% said they learned something new about post-secondary opportunities. 

The Dunin-Deshpande Queen's Innovation Centre (DDQIC) is dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among students and the wider community. Through various programs and initiatives, DDQIC supports the development of entrepreneurial skills and provides resources for aspiring entrepreneurs to succeed. 

For more information, visit the DDQIC Website