Sean Grogan
PhD Student
Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics and a post-doctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Elections and Democracy department of Political Science and Economics
Royal Military College and Queen's University
Sean Grogan is a PhD Student at Polytechnique Montréal in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics and a post-doctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Elections and Democracy based out of the Royal Military College’s department of Political Science and Economics. His research interests and experience revolve largely around using geospatial data in mathematical optimization and data analysis. Specifically working on problems in routing problems, location problems, location and routing problems, humanitarian logistics, mineral supply chain, project management, and project scheduling.
His professional and personal interests – engineering projects, disaster response, humanitarian assistance, avid voter – have shaped the problems in he works on. He has experience with Canadian Census and relevant spatial data, United States spatial data, meteorological spatial data, humanitarian data, mineral exploration data, financial data, Canadian Election data, and geotechnical data.