Housing and Ancillary Services (H&A) is a department in Student Affairs. H&A cultivates a broad spectrum of responsible and innovative services, including on-and-off- campus housing, foodservices and more, to engage the Queen's community while supporting the university's strategic goals.
The H&A team manages 4,940 student beds in 18 residence buildings, as well as off-campus rental apartment and housing properties, three dining halls, numerous retail foodservice locations on campus, the Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre, the University Club, and Event Services. Residence buildings also provide temporary accommodations for the summer conference, events and tourism markets. Revenue and services from these units support vital student life programs and contribute to the University’s learning environment.
- Residences
- Hospitality Services (Food)
- Community Housing
- Off Campus Living Advisor
- Event Services
- Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre
- The University Club
Alcohol Compliance
Housing and Ancillary Services (H&A) is accountable for the service and sale of alcohol on campus, ensuring compliance with the University Alcohol Policy and the Ontario Liquor Licence and Control Act (LLCA), through oversight of the various liquor licences the university holds, provision of alcohol sales at special events and through execution and oversight of Pub Operating Agreements with the AMS, EngSoc and the Grad Club.
Housing and Ancillary Services representatives serve on the Substance Working Group. The AWG includes campus and community stakeholders who review and recommend enhancements to policies, practices, and initiatives around responsible alcohol use on campus. Queen's Event Services is the point of contact for the licensing and provision of all special event bar services on campus.
Have questions about our approach to safe and responsible alcohol service on campus?Contact: edhouse@queensu.ca.
Housing Policy
This policy outlines the university’s commitments around the provision of student housing and the range of available housing supports for students.
This Policy is prepared in compliance with a Directive from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities dated July 15, 2024, requiring the publication of Student Housing Policies by Postsecondary Institutions.
Final Approval Body: Senior Leadership Team
Senior Administrative Position with Responsibility for Policy: Executive Director, Housing & Ancillary Services
Date Initially Approved: 11/15/24
Date of Last Revision, if applicable: N/A
This policy outlines the university’s commitments around the provision of student housing and the range of available housing supports for students.
This Policy is prepared in compliance with a Directive from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities dated July 15, 2024, requiring the publication of Student Housing Policies by Postsecondary Institutions.
Housing and Ancillary Services – A Department within Student Affairs, with accountability for university housing operations and the provisions outlined in this policy.
Residence Life & Services – A unit within Housing & Ancillary Services, accountable for admission to and operation of on-campus student residences, which primarily serve the first-year undergraduate student population.
Community Housing – A unit within Housing & Ancillary Services responsible for the rental and maintenance of university-owned off-campus housing and general support services for all students seeking off-campus housing. Primarily supporting upper year undergraduate and graduate students.
Off-Campus Living Advisor – An office within the Community Housing unit that provides confidential guidance and resources for students in finding Off-Campus housing, education on tenant rights and responsibilities, applications, lease agreements, and tips for moving in/out. Graduate Students – Defined as Masters and PhD level students, pursuing degrees on a full-time basis in Kingston.
Commitment to Student Housing
The university will ensure that information regarding housing services, supports and resources is readily available to students through easy-to-access websites. The university will provide a suitable range of housing options that are inclusive of the diverse needs of the student population and guided by student enrolment levels. The university will consider the Kingston rental housing context and develop community partnerships where appropriate.
Residence Life & Services within the Housing and Ancillary Services Portfolio provide services and programming for the nearly 5,000 students living on-campus in 18 distinct residence buildings. This unit primarily serves first-year undergraduate students. Information on residences is readily available to students on the Queen's Residences website.
The Community Housing unit within Housing & Ancillary Services manages “off-campus” university-owned rental properties, including those in the University District, as well as John Orr Tower on west campus and the An Clachan complex on Van Order Drive. Housing in the University district is primarily for upper year undergraduate students, with John Orr Tower and An Clachan serving graduate student populations, including those with dependents. Information on off-campus housing is readily available to students on the Community Housing website.
Institutional Infrastructure including off-campus housing resources
The Community Housing unit also hosts the Office of the Off-Campus Living Advisor (OCLA) and maintains an accommodation listing service to facilitate access to information regarding local private rental properties available in the Kingston community. The OCLA provides service for domestic, international, exchange, graduate and undergraduate students. The OCLA provides one-on-one advising and delivers housing resource fairs and talks, to assist students with respect to housing searches, general tenant education and leases. The OCLA educates students with respect to rights and responsibilities of both tenants and landlords, shares safety and other local resource information (eg local bylaws, garbage collection, transportation), shares resources for short-term housing and makes referrals to available financial supports, provided via the university’s Financial Aid Services. The OCLA collaborates with City of Kingston staff to educate students regarding topics such as garbage/recycling, bylaw enforcement, safety and good citizenship behaviours. Information on the OCLA is readily available to students on the OCLA website.
Both the Residence Life & Services and Community Housing units are accountable for providing support, information and guidance to students with respect to housing options, rights and responsibilities. Each unit maintains comprehensive webpages and resources to inform and guide students with respect to their local housing options and the range of housing services available.
Housing Commitments for First year students and international students
The university offers a Residence Commitment for incoming first year undergraduate students, based on date of offer of admission to attend Queen’s and the completion of a residence application and deposit by stated deadlines. In keeping with directives from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, the university provides a guarantee of housing options for incoming international students, defined as first year students at the undergraduate level, with priority given to full-time students undertaking their first credential. The university provides a guaranteed spot in residence for first-year international students, provided application and deposit are received by stated deadlines.
This policy pertains to housing services for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines: N/A
Policies Superseded by this Policy: N/A
Responsible Officer (senior administrator ultimately responsible): Executive Director, Housing & Ancillary Services Contact: as above
Date for Next Review (five years from initial approval): 11/1/29