The Geological Society of America (GSA) held its annual GSA Connects 2023 in Pittsburgh Oct 15-18. Four graduate students from the Queen's Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering attended the meeting, Danielle Fitzgerald, Allison Howes, Ruqaiya Yousif, and Taylor Rae Morrell. The students had a great time networking, making research connections, and talking about their science. Faculty attendees from the department included Dr. Guy Narbonne, Dr. Peir Pufahl, and Dr. Christopher Spencer.
Danielle Fitzgerald presented a talk at the meeting on her M.Sc. thesis entitled: The Ediacaran Mall Bay Formation Newfoundland, Canada, and the Protracted Onset of Gaskiers Glaciation.
Taylor Rae Morrell presented a talk from her Ph.D. dissertation entitled: Recognizing Indian Basement Faults through Along-Strike Diachronous Metamorphism in the Himalayan Metamorphic Core, Far West Nepal.
Ruqaiya Yousif presented a talk entitled: Mineralogical Controls of Clumped Isotope Compositions of Bimineralic Pearl Oyster Shells.