"In my second year of undergrad, one of my professors said that if Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering is right for you, you won’t be able to drive down the road without looking at every outcrop and bugging your family with commentary about what it is and how it got there. I’m now happy to report that I made the right choice going into Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering and that no car ride is complete without my commentary on interesting geological features. Since learning about Earth systems and geology I look at the natural world with a newly understood fascination, passion and wonder that can’t go unseen."
Elgin, Ontario (Fun Fact: I grew up 500m from one of the worlds best exposures of the Great Unconformity and didn’t know it until my second year of university!)
Graduate Research Focus:
Applied Geophysics – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Magnetometry - My research involves integrating a high-resolution, optically pumped magnetometer (GEM Systems GSMP- 35U) with a multi-rotor UAV platform, working towards developing an innovative surveying solution for multiple geophysical applications.

Why I chose to do graduate studies:
I chose to do graduate studies in applied geophysics because I enjoy linking both the hands-on approach of field work/research with the high-level critical thinking involved in laboratory/data analysis. I felt graduate studies was one of the best ways to develop and refine skillsets such as communicating scientific information and scientific writing, while also working on an interesting topic of my choice.
Why Queen’s?:
Queen’s was a great fit for me due to an interesting and motivating research topic, supervisors that supported my goals and a department that felt like a family and promoted collaboration.
What do you like to do in your spare time?:
In my spare time I enjoy bettering myself and keeping active by playing guitar, hiking, biking, fishing, exploring the outdoors, and of course, checking out cool outcrops!
What’s next for you?:
After completing graduate school I plan to continue working towards my P.Eng and P.Geo by either continuing to research within academia or by starting a career in the Canadian exploration/geophysics industry.