Collette Pilsworth

PhD Geological SciencesCollette Pilsworth

Office Bruce Wing 349
Thesis Topic Advancing tools and techniques for the exploration of undercover ore deposits: A geochemical and mineralogical study of drill core fracture coatings from the Oberon gold deposit, Northern Territory, Australia
Supervisor Dr. Daniel Layton-Matthews and Dr. Matthew Leybourne

Research Interests

Geochemistry, Economic Geology, Element Cycling, Isotopes  

Her graduate research focuses on the application and development of in-situ methods for analyzing the geochemical, mineralogical, and isotopic composition of drill core fracture coatings. This research is being applied to aid the exploration and discovery of undercover ore deposits within the region of the Oberon gold deposit in the Northern Territory of Australia in collaboration with Newmont Corporation. Additional research for her PhD has included the improvement of geochemical exploration techniques for unconformity-hosted uranium deposits within Canada’s Athabasca Basin.

About Collette

Collette graduated from the University of St Andrews, Scotland with a BSc in Geology. She participated in the Bobby Jones exchange program to Western University, Canada as part of her third year. Collette moved to Canada for her MSc at Queen’s University but upgraded to her PhD in September 2018 under the supervision of Dr. Layton-Matthews and Dr. Leybourne. Alongside her studies, she works as a Geological Consultant for Koan Analytics, an artificial intelligence company focusing on advanced analytics for mineral exploration.


  • SRK Graduate Research Scholarship, 2020 ($9,000 CAD)
  • BGC Engineering Teaching Assistantship Award, Queen’s University, April 2020
  • Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship, 2016-2018 ($40,000 CAD)
  • Wayne Foo & Lynne Marshall Teaching Assistantship Award, Queen’s University, April 2018
  • SEG Field Trip Award, Carlin-Type Gold Deposits, Nevada, July 2017 ($500 USD)
  • Dean’s List, University of St Andrews, Scotland, 2014-2015
  • Robert T. Jones Scholarship, 2014-2015 ($6000 CAD)


C Pilsworth, D Layton-Matthews, M Leybourne, A Voinot, D Chipley (2022) – “Mechanical fragmentation vs. electrodynamic pulse disaggregation for weak acid leach sample preparation: Implications for the exploration of unconformity-hosted uranium deposits” (Applied Geochemistry).