On Friday, June 30, 2023, Claudia Hirtenfelder successfully defended her thesis, Cast Out Urbanites: The Historical Problematization of Cows in Kingston. Claudia’s thesis was completed under the academic co-supervision of Drs. Carolyn Prouse and Laura Jean Cameron. The thesis examining committee included (pictured below, clockwise from top left) Dr. Katie Oliver (External); Dr. Carolyn Prouse (Co-Supervisor); Dr. Mark Stoller (Internal); Dr. Dan Cohen (Head's Delegate & Chair); Dr. Will Kymlicka (Internal-External); and Dr. Laura Jean Cameron (Co-Supervisor). Pictured also is newly-minted Dr. Claudia Hirtenfelder (bottom middle). Well done, Claudia!

Claudia Hirtenfelder Theis Examination via Teams


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