Ontario Professional Planners Institute Conference 2023

42 SURP graduate students attended the OPPI conference in Ottawa, where they networked and met scores of SURP alumni (see picture).

Professors Patricia Collins  and Dave Gordon presented their latest research, as did Fathimah Tayyiba Rasheed MPL’23.

Research posters were presented by  Victoria McCutcheon MPL’24;  Ivy Liang MPL’24;  Marley Gryfe MPL’24;  Makenna Humes MPL’24;  and Fathimah Tayyiba Rasheed MPL’23.

Thanks to Makenna Humes and Dave Gordon for organizing the trip and to the GPPL Field Trip Fund for subsidizing the bus.

Article Category

Well Done, Fathimah!

Congratulations to SURP student Fatimah Rasheed, who was awarded a scholarship by the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) of Canada Central Chapter.  Fathimah received her award at the “Broker of the Year Awards & Presidents Dinner” in Toronto. Kudos, Fathimah!

Article Category

Martina Joins The Conversation

Martina Jakubchik-Paloheimo, PhD Candidate in the Department of Geography and Planning, was published in The Conversation on September 20, 2023. Martina’s article, “A month after Ecuador’s historic vote to end oil extraction in Yasuní National Park, its lessons are as vital as ever to Canadians,” explores key takeaways from a recent vote in Ecuador to halt all oil extraction in Yasuní National Park.

Accessibility Café: Accessibility and Inclusive Procurement

Session Description:
This session will introduce the concept of the accessible procurement life cycle and will explore the importance of accessibility and anti-ableist practices throughout the procurement process. Procurement of learning technologies, products and services is a central aspect of the education system. Accessible procurement conceptualizes a policy and practice framework to enhance the learner experience for students with disabilities, as well as the teaching experience for instructors with disabilities.

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Queen’s Introduces Name Pronunciation Tool

NameCoach is a name pronunciation software for use by all faculty, staff, and students at Queen’s at no cost.

With NameCoach, users can:

  • Record the pronunciation of their name in an audio file
  • Include pronunciation notes
  • Include preferred gender pronouns
  • Customize their audio link to aid accessibility
  • Provide a link via a “NameBadge” to their email signature

More information about NameCoach is available on the NameCoach website.

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Geography and Planning Presents Edward Struzik (CANCELLED)


Friday November 10, 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room B201

We regret to inform you that Edward Struzik's guest lecture on Friday, November 10, 2023, has been cancelled.

We will advise if this event is rescheduled in the future. Thank you for your understanding.



PhD candidate Melissa Forcione and colleagues Dr. Christopher Lamb (Queen’s Geography PhD alumnus), PhD Geography candidate Kim Buitenhuis, and Professor Emerita Anne Godlewska recently published an open access article in Environment & Planning F. Drawing on the team’s decade-long research, “Settler-colonial geographical ignorance in Canadian education” provides “analyses of settler-colonial forms of geographical unknowing (re)produced in Canadian public education and echoed in the discourses of students.”

Article Category

SURP 851 presents Kim Perrotta


Monday November 20, 2023
11:30 am - 2:20 pm


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room E230
SURP Talk Poster


SURP 817 presents Dave Hardy


Monday November 20, 2023
8:30 am - 11:20 am


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room E230
SURP Talk Poster