Upcoming change to multi-factor authentication

Upcoming change to multi-factor authentication

Beginning on Feb. 27, 2023, Microsoft will switch to number matching on the Authenticator App.

February 8, 2023


IT Services at Queen’s is announcing a change to the multi-factor authentication (MFA) that will take place starting Feb. 27, 2023.

At that time, Microsoft Authenticator App will begin sending a two-digit number on the device they are logging in with. Users will then need to type those two digits into their second factor to authenticate the login. This is called “number matching.”

Through the authenticator app you will also be able to see which app is requesting authentication and the location that the request originates from – e.g., “Kingston, Ontario.”

If the log-in request is from a location that you are not currently in or for an application you are not requesting authentication from you should deny the request, change your NetID password immediately, and contact the IT Support Centre.

Number matching will be enabled for Microsoft 365, SOLUS, PeopleSoft (Finance and HR), and other MFA-protected applications.

For more information, visit the IT Services website.