University to survey all employees on organizational culture
April 12, 2022
Queen’s employees will soon be asked to provide their input on the state, and the future, of Queen’s workplace organizational culture when the Employee Experiences Survey opens on April 25, 2022.
Open to all staff and faculty, the confidential survey will seek to better understand employees’ experiences, including experiences over the last two years of the pandemic. Information collected will provide insight into employee perspectives on their workplace and will help inform institutional actions and initiatives. Survey results will provide up to date and representative data by which the university can benchmark its current employee experiences, build supportive programming, and measure the success of these programs in relation to organizational culture and, particularly, employee wellbeing and belonging.
The Employee Experiences Survey aligns with wide-ranging efforts to improve organizational culture at the university—one of the six primary institutional goals set out in the new Queen’s Strategy.
Further details about the initiative will be available ahead of the survey period, which is scheduled to run from April 25 – May 13, 2022. Survey access will be emailed directly to all employees on the launch date.