Research rankings released
December 8, 2020
Queen’s University is third in research income growth (medical category) according to national research rankings released today by RE$EARCH Infosource, a research and development intelligence company. The university also leads the category in terms of total corporate income (as a percentage of total research income) and corporate research income growth.
“RE$EARCH Infosource rankings are highly visible in the R&D sector,” says Kimberly Woodhouse, Vice-Principal (Research). "Although standings may fluctuate from year-to-year, overall, we continue to remain within the top institutions nationwide.”
In the 2019 fiscal year, the university’s sponsored research income grew to $235 million, an increase of 33.7 per cent from the previous year and enough to move Queen’s into the third position for growth in the medical category. RE$EARCH Infosource also released its “Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities” list, which uses measures of research inputs, outputs and impact. This ranking saw Queen’s maintain its position of 13th nationally based on total research income.
Research income – the total funds to support research received in the form of a grant, contribution or contract from all sources external to the institution
Research intensity – a calculation of total research income per full-time faculty member
With 38.4 per cent of its research income being generated from industry and corporations, Queen’s leads the pack this year in terms of proportion of research income from the corporate sector and for corporate research income growth (up 90.9 per cent from FY 2018) for the 2020 rankings.
Queen’s also gained ground in terms of research intensity, which measures research income per full-time faculty member. The university placed fifth in its category with a research intensity value of $294,800.
“Queen’s continues to demonstrate its impressive strength in the research,” says Patrick Deane, Principal and Vice-Chancellor. “This year exemplifies the depth and breadth of support for our research pursuits, particularly with respect to increased corporate funding. We are seeing major investments in our research and expect to see this trend continue.”
Queen’s has a long history of discovery and innovation that has shaped our knowledge and helped to address some of the world’s deepest mysteries and most pressing questions. The university is home to more than 45 Canada Research Chairs, a Canada 150 Research Chair, a Canada Excellence in Research Chair, and over 90 Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada. Queen’s researchers are among the most eminent winners of national and international research awards, recognizing output and measured impact.
For more information on the rankings, visit the RE$EARCH Infosource website.