New edition of the Gazette is out

New edition of the Gazette is out

September 23, 2014


The new edition of the Gazette is out and can be found all around Queen’s campus, and at a number of off-campus locations.

Gazette 2014-09-23]
Download the Sept. 23 Gazette

The Sept. 23 edition is filled with interesting Queen's-focused articles and items, including the election of a record number of Queen's scholars to the Royal Society of Canada, an update on the campaign to celebrate the university's 175th anniversary, an exhibition of Agnes Etherington's clothing, and much more.

This is the second edition of the university’s newspaper of record for the school year. The Gazette is published bi-weekly.

The next edition of the Gazette will hit the newsstands on Oct. 7.

Anyone looking to get a story, photo or information in the Gazette can contact Gazette editor Andrew Carroll or Senior Communications Officer Mark Kerr.

Also visit the newly-designed Gazette Online for more stories and photos and follow us on Twitter at @queensuGazette.