From diploma to degree
November 30, 2017
Queen’s University has partnered with mining programs at three major colleges in Canada through a new diploma-to-degree program designed to help ease the transition from college to university.
In 2016, Queen’s launched its online Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology (BTech) program, designed for college-educated engineering technologists and technicians looking to advance their career and education. Students gain transfer credits from their college diploma and complete a customized bridging curriculum before being admitted directly into the third year of the program. The program’s blend of online learning, team assignments, and on-site field training means students can study full- or part-time from anywhere in the world.
While the program admits eligible graduates of any college engineering technology program, the newly-signed articulation and transfer agreements between Queen’s and Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology, Cambrian College, and Saskatchewan Polytechnic, map out a clear pathway to graduation for alumni of the partner institutions.
“By formalizing these partnerships, we’ve identified the eligible transfer credits and courses these students will have to take during their bridge year,” explains David Yokom, Queen’s BTech Program Manager. “Candidates from these three colleges will have the advantage of knowing exactly what it will take to earn a Queen’s Bachelor of Mining Engineering Technology degree before they even apply.”
Graduates of programs not covered by articulation and transfer agreements will be assessed upon admission for potential transfer credits and assigned a custom bridging curriculum.
“Partnering with Queen’s is a win-win for us,” says Aaron Klooster, Associate Dean of the School of Trades and Technology at Northern College, which includes the renowned Haileybury School of Mines. “Adding a leading Canadian university credential to Northern College’s well-established name in the mining diploma environment will open big doors for our graduates.”
The Queen’s BTech program is already exceeding enrolment targets and looking to grow further.
“The college to university pathway is one of the fastest growing education markets,” says Mr. Yokom. “This program gives college graduates an opportunity to advance their education, while providing industry with the skilled and experienced staff they need.”
Development of the BTech program was funded by a 2014 grant from the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT), with matching funds from the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University.