Queen's submits revised bylaw exemption application

Queen's submits revised bylaw exemption application

June 30, 2014


by Communications Staff

Queen’s has submitted a revised application to the city for a temporary exemption from two sub-sections of Kingston’s noise bylaw. The university withdrew a prior application after concerns were expressed by area residents. Queen’s has consulted with local residents on the matter and this application addresses concerns around time and frequency of use, and the use of amplified noise. The goal was to incorporate the feedback from community members while continuing to allow sporting events to continue at West Campus fields and Richardson Stadium.

“We believe our revised application balances the interests of nearby residents with the needs of our students, community groups and the City of Kingston,” says Alan Harrison, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic). “Primary among the concerns we heard with regard to our original application were the lateness of the hour for which we were requesting an exemption and the use of amplified noise at the West Campus sports fields.”

Details of the revised and significantly scaled back application are described below.

• Queen’s is requesting a temporary exemption to two sub-sections of the noise bylaw until Dec. 31, 2015. This represents a pilot project during which the university will conduct an independent noise study (which is already underway) and implement any further noise mitigation strategies identified as necessary by the noise engineers.
• For Richardson Stadium, the university is seeking an exemption for: officials/coaches to use whistles for games/practices; amplified playing of the national anthem; amplified game announcements (e.g., for substitutions); and amplified game music (during timeouts, etc.).
• For West Campus fields, the university is seeking an exemption for: officials/coaches to use whistles for games/practices; amplified playing of the national anthem; amplified game announcements (e.g., for substitutions).
• The exemptions would be applicable between 9 am and 9 pm, Monday to Sunday, including statutory holidays, to allow for flexibility in scheduling of games.

In summary, officials and coaches will be blowing whistles, the national anthem will routinely be played at matches, amplified game announcements will be made during matches, and amplified music will be played at matches held at Richardson Stadium, but there will never be amplified music at any event held at West Campus sports fields.

Queen’s will host a public meeting regarding the application on Wednesday, July 2 from 6–8 pm at Robert Sutherland Hall, 138 Union St., room 202. All are welcome to attend. Those who are unable to attend or have any questions can contact Marcia Irving at (613)533-6000 ext. 77993 or ardept@queensu.ca.   

Members of the public can also send feedback regarding the application to the City of Kingston (kleonard@cityofkingston.ca) until Friday, July 4 at 4 pm. Kingston city council is expected to consider the application at its July 15 meeting.