Display wall including hate speech removed from campus building

Display wall including hate speech removed from campus building

April 3, 2013


On April 2, the University received several complaints about a display that had been erected in the John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC) and allegedly included language that constituted hate speech. A member of the university’s administration went to the location and noted racial slurs and hateful language on the wall. The managers of the space had asked the organizers of the display, titled “Queen’s Free Speech Wall,” to take down the offensive content, and that had not yet been done when Campus Security was contacted to remove the wall.

“Queen’s recognizes the right of free speech, but appreciates too the limits on free speech. Hate speech and racial slurs have no place on our campus,” says Alan Harrison, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic). “We strive to foster an inclusive and respectful community, and believe in the rights of our students, faculty and staff to be a part of this community without fear, discrimination or harassment of any kind.”

The group responsible for the display was advised that it could put up a new wall, but that racial slurs and hate speech would not be tolerated on the wall.

Anyone in need of support is encouraged to contact Health, Counselling and Disability Services at 613-533-6000 ext.78264 and/or University Chaplain Brian Yealland at 613-533-2186. After hours, students are encouraged to contact Campus Security at 613-533-6080.