In response to recent developments regarding COVID-19, individuals may have need to cancel travel plans as a result of a various considerations such as cancelled conferences, travel advisories, or due to health or other concerns. 

Up to date information on the Coronavirus COVID-19, including travel related information, can be found on the University’s Coronavirus COVID-19 Information website. 

Tri-agency messaging regarding travel cancellations due to COVID-19 related issues can be found on the Office of the Vice Principal (Research) website.

Costs incurred related to cancelled travel plans will be reimbursed and should be submitted through an expense claim. Claims must include the following information: 

  1. The reason for cancellation (note in the comments section of the expense claim request).
  2. Documentation showing that the cost was non-refundable.

Where credits towards future travel costs have been issued, individuals are expected to ensure they are applied, to the fullest extent possible, to the cost of future Queen’s travel.

Outstanding, unspent travel advances related to cancelled trips must be repaid, and the advance accounted for in full,  as soon as the trip is cancelled.

If you have any questions or concerns on any of the above, please contact Financial Services at, or by phone at (613)533-2050.

Kind Regards,

Financial Services