
Employee position number field has now been added to all payroll commitment reports (previously added to the payroll actuals)  in FAST to assist with the analysis of comparing payroll commitments to budget salary templates. This provides the opportunity for departments to analyze committed salary amounts to salary budget templates where there are employee movements within positions that causes the analysis by employee ID to be less effective. Also, analyzing the committed amounts by position number in comparison to the HR data within the salary budget template provides an effective way to identify positions that are vacant or no longer required.  The identified positions can be deactivated in the HR database providing better control over position management.

Please note that this is a prospective change where the position number has been included with the November commitment files and will be reflected on a going forward basis.  Payroll data prior to November 2023 will continue to not include position number.

Casual, student, term adjuncts positions do not have associated position numbers and therefore will not display any values in the position # column on the reports.


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Note: The communication regarding position numbers being added to the payroll actuals reports can be found here.