SDG 1: No Poverty

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Mini Case Scenarios


The National Advisory Council on Poverty reported that Canada’s poverty rate fell from 14.5% to 10.1% between 2015 and 2019. While this continued progress is good news, the council stated that the “overall numbers conceal some of the deep inequities” that persist in our society – especially for populations that have been increasingly marginalized and disproportionately affected by the pandemic. These populations include Black Canadians, racialized Canadians, immigrants, refugees, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals...


According to the United Nations, an individual experiencing working poverty is defined as any individual who spends at least 27 weeks in the labour force but remains below the poverty line.  They fall below this line due to low-income jobs and/or low familial household income. This can occur due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to, inflation, the housing market, low combined family income, and mental/physical health issues...


Natural disasters have a profound socioeconomic impact, often exacerbating poverty levels in affected regions. By understanding the complex dynamics at play, policymakers and stakeholders can develop effective interventions to mitigate the long-term effects of disasters on poverty-stricken communities...

Discussion Topics

  • How might environmental concerns (such as climate change, environmental racism etc) impact poverty?
  • What can be done to resolve poverty at different system levels?
  • What can we do to support people in poverty? Locally? Provincially? Nationally?
  • How does poverty affect a person's health?
  • How does the media present poverty? Locally? Nationally? Internationally? (Think about where responsibility for poverty is placed.)
  • How is poverty a form of oppression? Discuss.
  • How mighty gender impact a person’s experience with poverty?
  • What can we do to support vulnerable youth in poverty in our community?
  • What are the causes and consequences of income and wealth disparities?
  • How are social safety nets critical in mitigating the impacts of poverty and vulnerability?

Assessment Ideas

  • Position Paper: How might local community organizations play a role in alleviating poverty?
  • Research Paper: Write a research paper on the causes and consequences of poverty in a particular region or country, effective poverty alleviation strategies, or the role of/access to education in combating poverty.
  • Case Study Analysis: Using the case study provided, identify the challenges faced, evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies implemented, and suggest improvements or alternative approaches.
  • Policy Brief: Develop a policy brief on a specific policy or intervention aimed at addressing poverty. You should identify the key stakeholders, analyze the potential impacts, and provide a detailed implementation plan.
  • Group Presentation: In teams, prepare a presentation highlighting the key issues, challenges, and potential solutions related to a key aspect of SDG 1: No Poverty.
  • Data Analysis and Recommendations: Using the dataset provided (poverty related), analyze and present the data to draw meaningful conclusions. Present your findings and recommendations.
  • Communications Strategy: Develop an awareness campaign that both informs and educates the local community about the role they can play in reducing poverty in their area. In addition to researching the topic, you will be expected to provide a communication strategy, along with details of the metrics you will use to assess the success of your proposed activities.

Additional Resources

Faculty Subject Matter Experts

You may wish to contact one of the following departments who may have subject matter experts in this area:

Sociology (

Experiential Learning Contact

Christina Dinsmore (pronouns: she/her)
Associate Director, Experiential Learning & Programming


  1. Employment and Social Development Canada. Understanding Systems: The 2021 Report of the National Advisory Council on Poverty. 2021 [cited 2023; Available from:
  2. Woodford, G. Canada’s poverty rate has gone down, but deep inequities persist: report. 2022 [cited 2023; Available from:
  3. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development. Poverty eradication n.d., [cited 2023; Available from: