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KCIS 2024 - War and Human Security in an Evolving World

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 8:15 AM – Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 3:15 PM
Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre, 421 Union Street
Room: Conference Room B
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Human security in today’s international environment is a complex and pressing issue. Human security goes beyond traditional notions of state security and encompasses the well-being, dignity, and rights of individuals. In a world marked by rapid geopolitical shifts, global challenges, and emerging threats, ensuring human security requires a multifaceted approach covering a range of issues.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Donald Gordon Centre, Queen’s University, Conference Room B

0815         Welcome Announcement

0830         Challenge to the Conference

0845         Opening Keynote Address

0930         Panel 1: Human Security in a Multinational Context

1100         Health Break

1130         Panel 2: Technologies and Advancing the Human Security Agenda

1300         Lunch

1400         Panel 3: States, Citizens, and Resilience in a Disrupted World

1530         Health Break

1600         Keynote Address

1900         Wargame Simulation/Scenario

Thursday, 21 November 2024

0825         Welcome Announcement

0830         Opening Keynote Address

0915         Panel 4: Diversity and Gender in Human Security

1030         Health Break

1100         Panel 5: Evolving Approaches to Human Security

1230         Lunch

1330         Wargame Presentation/Results

1400         Closing Keynote Address

1500         Closing Remarks

Brian Houtman
$50 (Student) | $350 (General)
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