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Chasing the Shadow of the Moon - Observatory Open House

Saturday, February 10, 2024
7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Ellis Hall
Room: Auditorium
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The next Queen’s Observatory Open House will be held on Saturday February 10th at 7:30pm in Ellis Hall Auditorium at Queen’s University!

This month we are very excited to feature the president of the RASC Kingston Center, Malcolm Park. His presentation is titled ‘’Chasing the Shadow of the Moon” and will discuss his experiences chasing eclipses and what to expect for the upcoming 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.

The presentation will be followed by a tour of the McDonald Institute and Queen’s Observatory where guests will have the chance to view nearby and deep-sky celestial objects with our telescopes (weather permitting).

FREE. No RSVP or Registration needed. Tickets are handed out at the door.
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