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Developing Globally Engaged Curriculum: Why, What & How

Tuesday, September 20, 2022
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Queen’s is becoming increasingly diverse with students from around the world joining the university community to pursue their education. To effectively respond to the cultural, linguistic, and educational diversity students bring into the classrooms, educators are in need of reorienting their curriculum for global engagement to enrich student learning experience and enhance student success.

In this workshop, participants will explore their own ‘why, what and how’ of developing a globally engaged curriculum. They will work together to envision what a globally engaged curriculum may look like in one’s own disciplinary field or academic context and start enacting their visions in practice through small steps.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to incorporate at least one pedagogical element of global engagement into their course (re)development.

Centre for Teaching and Learning
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